Thank you so much for all the supportive and positive feedback that the FTW Management Team received following last week’s ‘Wonder Women Wednesday!’ feature, one email said:
“Loving WWW, it’s a great idea and is a refreshing change from some of the other football blah I’ve been reading recently. Please can you tell me more about the upcoming games though too as I’d like to bring my daughter and family to some of your games.” Andy C.
The Men’s season starts a lot earlier in the year than ours and so far, we have played 4 league games - and only 1 of those at home! We are excited to finally be playing at home this week and the next FTW game is Sunday 29 October at 2pm against Bath City Women at Badgers Hill and entry is free!
Do please come along to support the team, entry is free and as a Halloween treat, the tea hut will be open providing a free miniature chocolate with every purchase (whilst stocks last or I’ve eaten them all!)
Matchday sponsor announcement and thanks - Wainwright
Frome Town Women are grateful and excited to welcome Wainwright as our 2023-24 Matchday Sponsor.
Wainwright is an end-to-end supplier of premium aggregate, asphalt and contracting services. They have been selling premium-quality basalt from Moons Hill Quarry since 1891. Renowned for its durability and high skid resistance, their hard stone has long been favoured for surfacing works in a variety of applications. Wainwright operate two state-of-the-art asphalt plants, at Moons Hills in Somerset and Avonmouth near Bristol.
Wainwright has a proven track record in supporting local communities from coordinating a combined effort of five quarry companies in the Mendip Hills to clear litter and larger item
s such as abandoned mattresses and microwaves from miles of public highway - to supporting local people and sporting clubs including Frome Town United, Frome Collegians, Frome Cricket Club. And now Frome Town Women!
In 2022 they supplied a new float for Santa for the Frome Rotary Club, with the CEO helping them out in Santas seat for a night!

More about Wainwright’s community work can be found here: ttps://wainwright.co.uk/communities/
FTW are especially grateful to have Wainwright as our matchday sponsors as we hold some of
the same key values. Wainwrights say “At John Wainwright, we believe in doing the right thing. We put service and quality at the heart of everything, ensuring we deliver the very best to our customers, look after our workforce, and make a positive contribution to the environment and local communities.”
Thank you to Wainwright for supporting Frome Town Women.
If you are interested in helping out FTW in any capacity, please contact us at sponsorfrometownwomen@gmail.com